Kigi Hydroelectric Power Plant / Bingöl

Kigi Hydroelectric Power Plant / Bingöl

Kigi Dam and HEPP project is located 12 km north east of Kigi town on Peri Suyu. The dam was built with a body volume of 22.5 million cubic meters and a clay-core rock-fill type. The dam, which ranks 4th in its class in Turkey with its height of 175 meters, ranks 8th in all dams.

At the 140 MW installed power, 450 million kWh of energy will be generated annually. The energy production will be started in the first months of 2017 and the required energy will be produced and the energy needs of some 200 thousand houses will be met. The contribution of the dam to the country's economy is expected to be approximately 300 million TL per year.

Fire detection and emergency announcing systems designed by Evoek Engineering engineering team. Field cabling & mountage works are still continuing.